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Barbell Pad for Squats, Lunges and Hip Thrusts - Squat Pad Weight Lifting Bar Cushion Pad Protector for Neck and Shoulder

Barbell Pad for Squats, Lunges and Hip Thrusts - Squat Pad Weight Lifting Bar Cushion Pad Protector for Neck and Shoulder

Regular price Rs. 699.00
Regular price Rs. 999.00 Sale price Rs. 699.00
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Barbell Pad for Hip Thrust Squat Bar Pad Foam Barbell Pad for Weight Bar Cushion Fit Standard and Olympic Bars

Product Description

The barbell pad provided is an ergonomic barbell pad that absorbs shock and vibration, ensuring that the weight is evenly distributed on the shoulders, providing comfort, reducing discomfort and pressure, which will help you to challenge your training limits easily and healthily. Besides, the high-density rubber foam barbell pad absorbs all vibrations and is anti-slip, reducing stress on your back and shoulders during heavy squats. Increase comfort and reduce spinal cord injury. best Squat Pad Weight Lifting Bar Cushion Pad Protector for Neck and Shoulder Squats are not painful Fitcozi barbell pad relieves neck, back, and vertebrae pain during squats, allowing you to focus on your muscles. Hip Thrust No Bruising Work hard on your butt thrusts and get that peach butt only if you don't have pain or bruises. Wide compatible Barbell pads are compatible with a variety of barbell sizes and types, so there's no need to worry about various types and sizes. Barbell Pad for Squats, Lunges and Hip Thrusts best in india
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