Foam Roller Exercises Poster
Foam rolling is an excellent way to release muscle tension, improve flexibility, and reduce soreness. Here are some foam roller exercises you can include in your poster:

Quadriceps Roll:
- Lie face down with the foam roller under your thighs.
- Use your arms to push and roll the foam roller from above your knees to your hips.
2. Hamstring Roll:
- Sit on the foam roller with your legs extended.
- Roll back and forth from your glutes to just above your knees.
3. IT Band Roll:
- Lie on your side with the foam roller positioned under your hip.
- Support your upper body with your forearm and roll along the outer side of your thigh from hip to knee.
4. Adductor Roll:
- Lie on your stomach with the foam roller under your inner thigh.
- Roll from your groin area to just above your knee.
5. Glute Roll:
- Sit on the foam roller with one ankle crossed over the opposite knee.
- Roll on one side of your glutes and then switch to the other side.
6. Upper Back Roll:
- Sit with the foam roller positioned behind your upper back.
- Support your head with your hands and roll along your upper back from the base of your neck to your mid-back.
7. Thoracic Extension:
- Lie on your back with the foam roller under your mid-back.
- Arch your upper back over the foam roller, then return to the starting position.
8. Lat Roll:
- Lie on your side with the foam roller under your armpit.
- Roll from your armpit to your mid-ribcage.
9. Calf Roll:
- Sit with the foam roller under your calves.
- Roll from your ankles to just below your knees.
10. Plantar Fascia Roll:
- Sit with one foot on the foam roller.
- Roll the bottom of your foot, focusing on the arch and heel.
Remember to roll slowly and gently, and if you find a tight or tender spot, pause and apply gentle pressure for about 20-30 seconds to release tension.